Tips and Tricks

What is Telegram Bot? How to use Telegram bots

What is Telegram Bot? How to use Telegram bots

What is Telegram Bot? How to use Telegram bots…

What is Telegram Bot?

Telegram bot is a program that contains an artificial intelligence algorithm that allows it to communicate with users. Algorithms manage Telegram bots autonomously, and they interact with users like real users. They have profiles, but they are not managed by real people.

Programmers program bots to perform specific functions to provide service to their users. In fact, there are bots that can search for songs or videos on the Internet, bots that notify users when a particular product is available at a particular store, and bots that perform simple orders.

How Telegram bot works

If you want to interact with a bot, you first need to find it. To search for a bot you can use the search bar on the top right (ie if you’re looking for a general user) and type the name of the bot you want to find.

When you find the bot, click on the bot and start interacting like a normal account

Telegram lists bots in a special section, so it does not have to ask other users for advice to find them.

Telegram allows you to block a bot in some cases using the stop button directly from your profile.

The number of users of Telegram is increasing in our country as well as in different countries of the world. One of the amazing features of Telegram is the facility to use automated services, i.e. bots. In this post, learn about some awesome Telegram bots that will come in handy for you.


IFTTT’s Telegram bot can automate over 360 services, such as saving images uploaded on Telegram to Google Drive.

Such automation can be made, suppose any picture posted on Facebook will be automatically posted on Twitter. In this way, using IFTTT, various services used on a daily basis can be automated directly from Telegram. IFTTT is a great automation service.

IMDB bot

IMDB is an Internet movie database where users provide ratings for various films and shows. That is very useful to get an idea about a new show before watching it the imdb Telegram bot can make this task even easier.

Text to speech bot

The job of this bot is to turn any text into a speech file. That is, if you send any text to this Telegram bot, it will turn it into a voice file and send it to you. There is an opportunity to enjoy the text-to-speech facility in multiple languages ​​using this bot.

Gmail Telegram bot

If you spend most of your time in the Telegram app, then you can check the emails coming to your Gmail account directly from Telegram through this bot. The Gmail Telegram bot allows you to receive, send, and reply to emails directly from the Telegram app. You can also access important Gmail features directly from the Telegram app after authenticating your Google account.

The DeLorean bot

You can use this bot to send messages to your future. In fact, the name of this bot comes from the popular film Back to the Future. You can use this bot to send messages to yourself by setting a specific date and time.

Dr. Web Telegram bot

Dr. can be guessed by hearing the name. What the web bot can be about. Using this bot, you can directly check whether a file or link is safe from Telegram. This bot claims to be Telegram’s first anti-virus bot. Any link or file Dr. By forwarding the web bot, you can know whether the file or link is safe. Again, by adding this bot to your group, you can add the facility of checking whether all links and files are safe. bot is a temporary email generator bot that creates disposable email addresses. First, message this bot by typing /start to start the conversation. Then, message by typing /get to get a random email address. If you want to open an account on an anonymous website or an unreliable service, you can use this temporary email bot instead of using the original email.

Get Media Bot

Media can be downloaded from any website on the internet using Get Media Bot. This bot can work by downloading videos from any site, downloading images from Instagram, etc. After starting the bot you will get the option to search videos and music. Besides, it is very easy to search for lyrics or download Instagram stories by clicking the button.

URL Shortener bot

This bot shortens long URLs. and (using these two websites). In this way it is very easy to shorten links from the internet, this bot will make those tasks easier. So you can use this bot to shorten any big link.

Which Telegram bot do you like the most? -Let us know in the comment section. Also, you can tell about your favorite Telegram bot and its work in the comment section.

Sticker download bot

There is literally a mine of stickers in Telegram. If you like a sticker in Telegram Messenger or WhatsApp chat, you can download it and use it. Stickers in webp, jpg, and png formats can be downloaded using this bot. Besides, there is an option to download the complete sticker pack in zip format. This bot can be useful for downloading stickers and using them in other messaging apps as well as creating your own sticker packs.

File Converter Telegram Bot

Files can be converted to numerous formats using this Telegram bot. Video to audio, audio to video, etc. file converter bots can come in handy in the process of converting. File Converter Telegram Bot supports more than 63 file types.

Don’t forget to comment in the comment section on what you think of this post about how to use Telegram bots.

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